Market-m , a shop with not just work hard owner from Korea
Today I have been to a website " ", the official website for the shop with the same name "Market*m" situate in Seoul of which one of my really good customer, Mr.Lee owns this place.
Last two weeks, the guy had come to visit us in Lampang since we have long known each other for years. Mr.Lee is a kind of people that hardly seen for these days; very humble, working hard, optimistic (still laughing while talking about his being cheated by his chinese ex-partner)and of course always think of other people. He showed me his interesting shop' s website and I didn' t have anytime to look through yet until today.
The website is so interesting to me in terms of details the staffs put in each web pages; you can notice that every products has so many details, photos and sometimes even photos of how maker made the products, all these to ensure that online customers can see all the details they want before buying. For someone, they might think that it' s normal for most website but I can tell you that it' s not...just check out carefully and you will see.
Mr.Lee told me that he has to approve nearly every pages to make sure that the photos and all the details on the page can sell the product, not to mention all the details in the real store display in Korea and the management for his shop and 2 factories in China. Amazing, isn' t it? What a working hard man is he!!!
I often asked him why he has to work this hard. He replied me " most koreans are like this..I am a typical korean" but I don' t think that is quite true if you want to be successful like him ( having a successful home & living shop, two factories in China and one big apartment in the city centre of Seoul, all these with the age of only 26!!! )
I think the exact reason for Mr.Lee' s success is the same reason why many koreans getting more and more successful today, anybody could work hard but not every body can be optimistic and always think of other people. The reason why he adds so many detailed photos on his web pages is not for no reason but he wants his customers to clearly see every aspect of the products before buying, just like himself when he wants to buy something from the others.
Huh...I think I' ve got something to think of and probably correct something out.
Thank you Mr.Lee......
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